일기장 2009. 5. 28. 02:49
I almost fixed in India. When I came here, I was strange all of them. Now I am familiar that around me.
In the toilet, I faced 비데 in manual. In april i didn't use that. But now I use the machine. It's very convenient. Don't ask how to use. It's very difficult to expain.
they are another resident in my house. I always meet them.
I had have eat that. I thouth that is 'sugar cane(사탕수수)'. Crash the plant and make some juice.
Last weekend, i ate the folk name '삼겹살'. with onion and potato.

In today i went to compus, I measure my weight. but that's secrecy. I'm disappointed.

I will exercise more and more.

'일기장' 카테고리의 다른 글

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posted by 동글동글82