기타자료등 2010. 6. 11. 15:26
With Twittelator's API, you can simply launch Twittelator Free or Pro, you can compose a new message, and if you are running a server checking for a user’s mentions, you can launch Twittelator Pro and show mentions or messages. Or you might be tracking a search query and have it load a search on launch.

Anyone can experiment with this API in Mobile Safari by entering valid Twittelator Pro links - ie

• dm
• friends
• quote
        Simply open the url "twit://" to launch Twittelator Pro in Browser or via code:

        NSURL* url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"twit://"];
        [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:url];
        New messages or replies can created by creating URL's of this form:


        where valid
<KEY>'s and <VALUE>'s are:

        message                RFC 2396 percent escaped* sentence less than 141 characters long

        isDirect                                1 if this is a direct message (private), 0 if new tweet or reply
        replyToScreenName        valid recipient's screen name
        replyToStatusID                status id of tweet to respond to

                new simple tweet:

                new direct message to user @twittelator:
Launch Twittelator Pro and have it immediately load just new messages:



        where valid
<KEY>'s and <VALUE>'s are:

        id                                id string of this direct message
        from                        screen name of sender
        to                                screen name of account to load on launch

                DM sent by @peter to @evan
Launch Twittelator Pro and have it immediately load just new mentions:



        where valid
<KEY>'s and <VALUE>'s are:

        id                                id string of this direct message
        from                        screen name of sender
        to                                screen name of account to load on launch

                @mention sent by @peter to @evan
Launch Twittelator Pro and have it immediately load just friends timeline:

Launch Twittelator Pro and have it immediately load this search query:

                search for "Harry Potter"
                search for tweets from @twittelator with links in them

Using http://search.twitter.com/advanced, you can quickly create valid <EXACT_SEARCH_QUERY>'s!
Note: do not append the number of returned pages (the rpp parameter) because Twittelator automatically sets that depending on the user's preferences.

To launch Twittelator Pro and have it immediately display the Search panel, simply use:

Launch Twittelator Pro and have it immediately load a user's info - great for following!

        twit:///user?id =<TWITTER_USER_ID>

                get info on "Twittelator"
Launch Twittelator Pro and have it immediately load a given tweet

        twit:///status?id =<TWEET_ID>


Launch Twittelator Pro and have it immediately load a list

        twit:///list?slug =<LIST_SLUG>


Launch Twittelator Pro and have it immediately load an old-school editable retweet
Requires both screen_name (author of original status) and message:



Launch Twittelator Pro and have it immediately retweet a status




*For more info, see Apple documentation for
** available in Twittelator Pro V3.1 and later

'기타자료등' 카테고리의 다른 글

트위터의 기능들...  (0) 2010.06.11
posted by 동글동글82