2009. 1. 24. 03:23
I changed my PDA's battery. exactly, connected extra battery to the PDA's battery and increase the operate time.
I didn't change the module for light. The module control the state of light. Off, 100% bright, 50% bright, 30% bright, and blink. I want it have two state On 100% bright and Off. So i tried change the module using the chip named "AMC7140". It make the current constant value, 750mA. but it's too hard, because the space is small. Using a extra switch, I will make the light suit my taste(hit my fancy), soon.
I didn't change the module for light. The module control the state of light. Off, 100% bright, 50% bright, 30% bright, and blink. I want it have two state On 100% bright and Off. So i tried change the module using the chip named "AMC7140". It make the current constant value, 750mA. but it's too hard, because the space is small. Using a extra switch, I will make the light suit my taste(hit my fancy), soon.
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